Sunday, October 16, 2011

There are 35 million cases a year in Mexico cyberspying

At least 35 million cases of cyber spying are recorded each year, putting the offense level as the main computer, said the Mexican College of Graduate Studies Legal and Economic .

According to the institute's study, 80 percent of the crimes of this nature are used for financial wrongdoing, while 2.0 percent use it as a test for various offenses.

In that sense, the school principal leader in oral trials, Jorge Manrique, said that although it is illegal to intercept email communications because it violates private practice in Mexico has had significant growth.

In fact, this type of intervention 70 percent is used to report marital infidelity, 23 percent for industrial espionage and 9.0 percent for fraud.

But he said that although the email is an information-rich, 'is not a piece of evidence for violating individual rights. "

Broadly speaking, explained that legally it is understood that an email has been intercepted when it has violated the security password or key, without the permission of its owner, regardless of whether the interceptor print, save or just read the information.

He said that if a communication is inviolable, the message must be transmitted through a medium technical device developed by technology and who has a security system, whether it is a telegraph, telephone, email or any other means.

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