Sunday, October 16, 2011

Google sets her sights on Latin America

The advertising revenue from Google has grown in Latin America than anywhere else in the world and the company is committed to further increase their profits in the area.

"Latin America is the region that is growing for Google in the last two years," he said Thursday in an interview the CEO of Google for Spanish-speaking countries of Latin America, Adriana Noreña.

"Last year we grew by 80% a year and expect to grow at rates similar and support the growing online market in the coming years," he said.

However, the executive declined to reveal revenue figures and number of users that Google has in Latin America.

Google opened its first office in the region in Brazil in late 2005 with the aspiration to expand and attract advertising revenue and technology services offered to businesses.

In 2007 expanded its presence in the region in Argentina and Mexico, and in 2011 opened offices in Colombia, Chile and Peru, and in Miami and New York for the U.S. Hispanic market.

Due to its rapid growth, Latin America is among the three most important regions for Google, after the United States and Europe, said Noreña. He explained that there are over 200 million Internet users in Latin America, 40% of the population.

World Bank estimates, one in three Latin Americans have access to broadband connections Internet in 2014.

The executive noted that American Internet users spend nearly 24 hours a month on the network, but said that "companies are not making that huge potential" because "they are leaving on the table from one thousand to two billion dollars in sales incremental investments not what should be investing in the online world (of advertising), "he said.

According to company information in the United States between six and seven of every 10 Internet users prefer Google. That number increases to nine out of 10 for Latin America.

In Latin America, 97% of Google's revenue comes from advertising and the other percentage of Google Apps, which are applications that are sold to companies, said Noreña. He said the soccer club Boca Juniors is one of its customers Apps.

The most important countries for Google are Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, where are the headquarters for Latin America and Colombia, he said.

For the director, currently Argentina "is the most developed market in Latin America, for consumer and infrastructure. More than 67% of the population of Argentina is on the Internet, 26 million users, the country with more connectivity in the region."

Although all Google products that are released in America are created in the company headquarters in California, experts working in the region are in constant communication with their U.S. colleagues.

Thus, for example, worked together before launching the program's voice search Android Google's mobile phone for Latin America in order to recognize the different accents from different countries.

Google specialists stopped people in the main Latin American capitals and asked them to say a few keywords. Then sends that information to U.S. technical and refined computer voice recognition.

"So when you talk to the Buenos Aires accent and understand you when you speak with a Mexican accent understand you," said Alberto Arebalos, director of Google's global communications for Latin America.

"Although the product is the same, is particularized in order to recognize the inflections of the voices in each of those cities. Is the same system trained to understand the differences between American and Latin Americans, he said.

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