Friday, March 2, 2012

I'm not a criminal" founder Megaupload

In his first outing to the media after his release on bail , the cofounder of Megaupload, Kim Dotcom, defended himself against accusations of piracy and said it is unfair and based on lies and false accusations.

The interview , conducted in New Zealand's TV3 channel that country, was released last March and first performed in the Dotcom mansion in the town of Coatesville. On January 20, Dotcomwas captured along with three people there, "the largest operation in the history of this country,"said John Campbell, the journalist who interviewed the defendant. According Dotcom, Megaupload paid the same services as other 'cyberlockers', some of which are operated by giants like Microsoft and Google. But, according to his version, the company and himself were persecuted for other reasons: "I'm an easy target. My extravagance, my history as a hacker, the fact that I am not American and I live somewhere in the world, I have fun in my car plates (...) I'm not Google, I have 50,000 million dollars in my account. "

When Campbell asked about the success and wealth Megaupload, Dotcom replied that his 'cyberlocker' "was popular because it allowed people to bypass barriers" and "solved problems" and that his money was derived precisely from the celebrity the site. Part of the FBI to charge is that he obtained money from partnerships with other sites to host content protected by copyright.

However, Dotcom defended himself: "I'm the king of piracy," he said. On piracy, said that far from being a problem caused by Megaupload, "born in the Hollywood business model, which released the film in one country but emit 'trailers' round the world to promote the film. (... ) If everybody had access to content at the same time, there would be no problem, "he said.

The defendant also accused the FBI and the U.S. authorities to protect "an outdated business model and monopolistic that no longer works in the Internet age."

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