Friday, March 2, 2012

Google unveils its new privacy policy

Though in 2010 Google made some changes and simplify their privacy policies, the search giant decided to start 2012 with great variations for users in this field. As announced via its official blogInternet giant, the new Privacy Policy is in fact starting today March first.

"By using our products, one thing be clear: Google is the same experience to which they are accustomed, with the same controls (...) Because we are making these changes, over time we can improve our products so that help our users get the most out of the web, "said Alma Whitten, director of privacy, product and engineering at Google.

Google intends to integrate all data services such as YouTube, Gmail, Google + and searches to learn more about each user. Although company executives have been developing an information campaign in order to explain to users about the changes that are (considered the largest in company history), confusion and misunderstanding about the news Internet giant continues.

For that reason, Google decided to publish 3 main points that users should know about the new changes:

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